Permaculture in the Kitchen

Permaculture Kitchen veggies

When I first started learning about permaculture, I was living in Colorado and didn’t have access to land, but I did have a kitchen. One of the first permaculture courses I attended was called the Bountiful Pantry, taught by Sandy Cruz in Boulder, CO. Sandy introduced me to the idea that we can eat sustainable, locally grown food all year long using low-energy preservation methods like dehydration and fermentation. That led me to set a goal of eating only locally grown produce, dairy, eggs, meat, flour, and legumes year-round. To do that, I had to change the way I cooked to adapt to the varieties of food that grew where I lived, as well as the changing seasons, crop failures, and other variables.

During my session, I’ll share what I’ve learned about the patterns of cooking and eating throughout the seasons, cooking without recipes, preserving and storing the harvest, and producing less waste. I also want this session to be a conversation, so bring your questions and let’s explore creative ways to practice permaculture in the kitchen.

This is just one of the many excellent presentations, talks and demonstrations taking place during the 2022 Wisconsin Permaculture Convergence, Sept. 23-25 near Rio, Wisconsin. If you haven’t yet, there’s still time to Register.

Jessica True