More Attendees Needed by Saturday August 28th To Make This a Go

Current attendee registration is low and to make this gathering work financially, we need more attendees. If you plan to attend, register by Saturday, August 28. If we do not meet our needed numbers, people will be fully reimbursed if they have paid for registration. We have set this date in order to reserve the meals for the event.

The convergence planning team strives to keep the cost low and reimburse session leaders for their travel costs but we do have facility and food costs that we have to cover. Please help spread the word so we can make this wonderful event happen.

Check out this video that explains why people enjoy coming to the convergence.

COVID and the Convergence

We recognize that both COVID-19 and the Delta variant add uncertainty to attending events like the Convergence. Here is some event information to help you make an informed decision:

- Most of the Convergence presentation, meal and social activities are outdoors.

- Indoor areas are well-ventilated with large openings for air flow.

- A mown field is available for attendees to camp with plenty of space.

- Food will be served from a food truck in individual containers (not buffet). You will need to bring your own cutlery and plates; a dish washing station will be available to clean up after each meal.

- A hand washing station will be provided.

- Bring and wear masks to meet your comfort and safety needs.