Sponsor Spotlight: Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Institute

The convergence planning team would like to thank Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Institute for sponsoring the 2018 Wisconsin Permaculture Convergence. 

Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Institute


Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Institute (GRLPI) is happy to be a sponsor of the 2018 Wisconsin Permaculture Convergence. GRLPI is a professional development organization for permaculture practitioners in the Great Lakes and Ohio River Valley region. It also serves as a regional hub for Permaculture Institute of North America.

In addition to organizing and sponsoring events, GRLPI is helping build networks to connect permaculture communities across the region, providing mutual support, educational and research opportunities, and resources for everyone interested in permaculture. To learn more, visit http://www.greatriversandlakes.org.


You can stay up to date with the Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Institute by checking them out on their website and social media accounts right below.

Interested in attending the 2018 Wisconsin Permaculture Convergence? 


We are looking for businesses and organizations who would like to sponsor the convergence. We want to help you get the word out about your services and are pleased to provide an opportunity to reach people interested in all areas of Permaculture. Please check out the information by clicking on the link below if you are interested.

Sponsorship Information


The convergence team is always looking to add additional team members to help with planning, outreach and day of duties. Please send us an email (wipermconvergence@gmail.com) if you would like to help the 2018 Convergence rock as hard as the past four!