The planning team is happy to announce that we will be organizing and hosting a convergence September 23rd - 25th, 2022. This decision was made following a survey that was sent out via our mailing list as well as social media outreach. This survey suggested that there was enough interest from possible attendees, volunteers and session leaders. Please use this announcement as a save the date notification.
We are happy to announce that the Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Institute has offered to be our fiscal sponsor for the convergence. This will allow us to accept tax-deductible donations.
How can you help to make the convergence flourish?
We will need interested parties to lead sessions. Session leaders are integral to the success of this skill sharing event. If you or someone you know might be interested click on the link below!
Spread the word about the convergence to people, organizations or business that might be interested in attending or sponsoring the convergence. We will be updating our media kit soon so please email us if you are interested in using it.
Tell us what kind subjects interest you and we will do our best to schedule them for the convergence and pre/post workshops. This info can be submitted at the link below.