2020 was a year that brought many changes to the lives of people around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic stopped many events from happening which included the 2020 Convergence. The planning team cancelled the 2020 Convergence early on during the pandemic and while we all missed this gathering, we felt it was the safe decision for all involved.
Fast forward one year from that decision and we have arrived today. While there is still uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and its effect on our lives, the planning team has decided to move forward with an in-person Convergence in September of this year. The reasons for deciding to hold the convergence are: based on the perceived pandemic timeline we feel that by the date of the Convergence (Sept. 24th - 26th) things will be closer to “normal”; we plan to follow the CDC guidelines at that time for safety protocols; people have an urge to meet and share skills that will better prepare us for our future.
We understand that some might not yet be comfortable meeting in person by this date and we respect that decision and will plan on you attending in future years. If anyone has questions or concerns please reach out to the planning team at wipermconvergence(at)gmail.com.
How can you help to make the convergence flourish?
We will need interested parties to lead sessions. Session leaders are integral to the success of this skill sharing event. If you or someone you know might be interested click on the link below!
Spread the word about the convergence to people, organizations or business that might be interested in attending or sponsoring the convergence. Reach out to us at wipermconvergence(at)gmail.com for our media kit.
Tell us what kind subjects interest you and we will do our best to schedule them for the convergence and pre/post workshops. This info can be submitted at the link below.