The Wisconsin Permaculture Convergence is a yearly event that brings people together to network, build community, skill share and celebrate life.
“The convergence last year was a wonderful experience. It was great to see attendees sharing life experiences and skills.”
“To be surrounded by like minds and to be able to learn from one another in a community like atmosphere was very rewarding. The passion and inspiration from the knowledge shared has allowed me to grow in my permaculture journey and spread that message to those who I encounter along the road.”
Convergence Accomplishments
- 130+ attendees traveled from Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
- Past Workshops: Intro to Auaponics, Intro to Keyline Design, Place Making, Yogurt Making, Rocket Stoves, Fementation Basics, Farmscale Permaculture, and many more. Check out the schedule from 2017 here.
- Lunch and dinner to more than 400 people using fresh local food.
- Brought session leaders from all across Wisconsin and others from Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and California.
- Past keynote sessions on Social Permaculture and Regenerative Farming.